'Starlancer' - 2000
'Starlancer' - 2000
"Non fui, fui, non sum, non curo."
AI is a new type of a priori computation.
the beast in me greets the beast in you
Complexity is the curvature of the shortest path.
I am the augur of Aetheos. All other gods are false, only the perfect, non-existent god is true.
Intelligence is a property of learning.
"While there is a lower class, I am in it, while there is a criminal element, I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free..."
- Eugene Debs
Nostalgia is the recognition of belonging to a specific time.
IDE bloat is a source of code complexity
Sycophancy is the essential effect of power on communication.
"They asked an AI - with no concept of what is or isn’t an offensive stereotype - to generate 5,000 liberal biographies and 5,000 conservative biographies. ..." ...
I have no patience for Isaiah Berlin.
How long until we get new AI data structures in computer languages? Something like AI-generated data, but without the actual computation already occurring, a promise to generate perhaps ...
Counting is the simplest computation,
the clock the simplest program.
2023 feels pretty dystopian cyberpunkish already
wisdom of the crowds is shallow
In politics, truth liberates us only from the pretense of not knowing.
Thinking is sense composition.